Tesla vs BYD stock: TSLA at bear market lows


There’s nothing like a stock to be a winner for several years, despite the ups and downs of the overall economy. Compressor and pump manufacturer Ingersoll Rand IR +0.35% has a chance to be one of them.

For a true industrial company to consistently beat the market, it must be a “compounder”-a company that can operate efficiently, make smart, targeted acquisitions, and increase margins over time. Companies that can do this – like Danaher DHR +0.76% (ticker: DHR), IDEX IEX +0.66% (IEX) and Ametek AME +0.83% (AME) – end up outperforming other industrial companies and the stock market. And Ingersoll Rand (IR) may be ready to join that club.

Ingersoll is an “emerging manufacturing company,” says Wertheimer. He rates the stock, which has recently been trading at $54, as “Outperform.”