Oil demand will fall


Experts predicted a decrease in demand for oil on the world market by the beginning of the 2030s, which will cause a decrease in budget revenues from hydrocarbon exports.

“In the late 2020s and early 2030s, global oil demand will begin to decline. The tendency for companies to reach carbon neutrality is already gaining momentum,” experts say. Meanwhile, he predicted that many countries would more than halve their carbon dioxide emissions by the 2040s.

According to him, “the share of oil revenues as a percentage of GDP and in the budget will steadily fall all the time.” “Therefore, we will not be able to build up money with the same ease and will have to treat it more carefully,” the experts noted. Therefore, they believe that more careful attitude to the methods of financing various programs will be required.
“Joint-stock companies, including state-owned companies, must earn money by themselves with minimal budgetary support. Meanwhile, some areas related to education and healthcare will require more resources,” the economists emphasized.