«Gazprom» fall on the stock exchange


Shares of the Russian company “Gazprom” opened a new day with a decline. As of the morning of June 2, the monopolist’s securities sank 0.72% compared to the previous day. The dynamics for the month is also negative, compared with the previous same period, Gazprom’s shares fell by 1.39%, to 295.55 rubles.

Because of the refusal to fulfill the illegal requirement to pay for gas in rubles, Moscow cuts off objectionable people one by one.

Since June 1, Gazprom has left two more European operators without gas – the Danish company Orsted Salg & Service and the German Shell Energy Europe Limited.

None of these companies began to open an account with Gazprombank and transfer funds through it. The company said the “restrictions” would remain in place until payments were made through “due process”.

Also, the Kremlin monopoly completely stopped the supply of natural gas to the Netherlands, their company GasTerra, which flatly refused to pay in rubles.