Russia leads the European gas market


Last year Russia for the first time overtook the United States in the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe.

In 2020, LNG supplies to the European market amounted to about 84 million tons, 22 million tons of which were in Russia and 20 million in the United States. It follows from Kramers’ presentation that by 2040 the demand for LNG in Europe will grow, while the share of pipeline gas will decline. This will mainly happen due to the drop in supplies from Norway and North Africa. Also, according to forecasts, domestic gas production in Europe will fall substantially.

In February, most of the gas wells in the United States stopped working due to severe frosts, which brought down the production and export of fuel. At some enterprises, supplies of raw gas fell to a four-month minimum (up to 210 million cubic meters per day). This is 2-4 times less than usual. The country has almost stopped exporting gas.