The Russian currency has become one of the most undervalued


The next “Big Mac index” has been released, in which the real exchange rate of local currencies is estimated based on the cost of a burger in McDonald’s restaurants in different countries. The experts of the publication called the Russian ruble one of the most undervalued currencies in the world.

In the United States the price of a Big Mac is $5.65 (420 rubles), in Russia it costs $2.27 (169 rubles). Consequently, from the point of view of methodology, the fair rate of the Russian currency is 29.91 rubles per dollar. Taking into account the market rate of about 74 rubles per dollar, it is undervalued by 59.9 percent.

Only the Lebanese pound is ahead of the ruble, which is undervalued by 70.2 percent. The South African rand (59.6 percent), the Azerbaijani manat (58.9 percent) and the Turkish lira (58.7 percent) are almost comparable to the Russian currency.