Increase in GDP in America


The IMF predicted the US the highest GDP growth rate in modern history.

According to the forecast of the international organization, the American economy will grow by 7 percent this year, if the US legislators approve the economic initiatives of President Biden. Meanwhile, back in May, the IMF predicted growth at 6.4 percent. It is noted that, according to the organization’s specialists, in 2022 the US economy will continue to recover from the consequences of the pandemic and the country’s GDP will increase by 4.9 percent.

Earlier it was reported that the Ministry of Economy and Development will change its forecast for Russia’s GDP growth in 2021. The minister, answering the relevant question from journalists, said that the forecast would be increased from 2.9 percent. Meanwhile, many departments and experts predict higher growth rates of the Russian economy in 2021. According to the Central Bank, they will amount to 3-4 percent.