The most expensive global brand is determined


Apple ranked first place in the list of the world’s most valuable brands for the first time since 2016. The authors of the Brand Finance Global 500 rating valued the company at $263.4 billion.

Apple has increased its brand value by 87 percent in a year. In second place experts named Amazon ($254.2 billion), in third – Google ($191.2 billion). In fourth place was Microsoft ($140.4 billion). The top ten also includes Samsung, Walmart, Facebook, ICBC (banking), Verizon (telecommunications) and WeChat (high tech). Tesla became the fastest growing brand with growth of 158 percent (up to $32 billion).

The three most expensive Russian brands are Sberbank (180th), Gazprom (304th) and Lukoil (360th). All of them have lost ground due to the decline in the appraised value. Sberbank dropped 41 positions (the brand value fell from $13.2 billion to $9.4 billion), Gazprom lost 43 positions (from $7.6 billion to $6.4 billion), and Lukoil – seven positions (from $5.8 to 5.4 billion dollars).