Sensational advantages emerged in the oil market


OPEC+ participants need not maintain tight restrictions on oil production, inasmuch as global inflation and political tensions support commodity prices. Meanwhile, Russian companies may gain unexpected advantages in this market, according to Rainer Michael Preiss, portfolio strategist of Golden Equator, who writes it in a column for Forbes.

Western oil companies are under pressure from shareholders and climate activists. They are forced to comply with stringent environmental requirements, sometimes even at the cost of losing revenue and market share, the expert notes. So far, the Russian raw materials business has fewer such problems. “Russian business will not be able to get away from the green agenda, but more lenient regulation in this area will give it a chance to strengthen its position in the global market,” Preiss said.

Oil prices have jumped more than 50 percent since the beginning of the year, reaching a record level in nearly three years. It makes sense to increase the supply on the market, the strategist is sure.