The European currency rate exceeds 90 rubles again


During trading on the stock exchange on the morning of April 5, the euro rate exceeded 90 rubles for the first time since the end of March, according to trade data.

As of 10:28, the euro is trading at 89.99 rubles, at a maximum it reached 90.1 rubles. The dollar is also growing against the Russian currency, its rate reached 76.7 rubles, after which it corrected.

The main Russian stock indices, the Moscow Exchange and the RTS, are down 0.5 percent this morning. Such dynamics is observed against the background of a decline in oil prices. Benchmark grades Brent and WTI dropped a dollar to $ 64 and $ 60.8 a barrel after rising late last week.

Earlier, experts predicted that by the summer the Russian currency could significantly sink. The Danish bank expects the dollar to reach 80 rubles and the euro to 96 rubles, even if oil prices rise.