Which currencies may disappear soon


Analyst Rusetsky said that some currencies risk disappearing along with the state, either in case of the formation of a new economic space, or their collapse is possible as a result of crises and hyperinflation.

He called this currency the Zimbabwean dollar, which was in 1981-2009. “In 2019, the Zimbabwe dollar was reintroduced into circulation, but troubles with inflation threaten to send it back to history – in 2020, it has fallen in price by more than 600 percent,” the financier said.

Moreover, such a scenario is possible in Afghanistan. Against the background of the change of power in the country, the national currency of Afghanistan has fallen in price sharply, the rise in prices is acquiring a galloping pace, the country is on the verge of economic collapse. If the situation remains the same, then the currency of Afghanistan may turn into a candy wrapper soon, the expert believes.