Russian residents playing on the stock exchange will be protected


Russian President Putin urged to protect the money of Russians who play on the stock exchange, and said about the necessity of reducing the risks about investment of unqualified investors. According to the head of state, this is necessary for inadmissibility of a recurrence of the situation with defrauded equity holders.

Putin pointed out that against the background of a decrease in deposit rates, other forms of investment are becoming popular, in particular, the purchase of securities. “And this is inherently more risky than bank deposits. It is necessary to protect the interests of people who invest their money in the securities market, but who are not professional investors,” he said.

The law on the categorization of investors, according to which the latter are divided into qualified and unskilled, was adopted in the summer of 2020. According to it, retail investors will be tested by their brokers. Some instruments will not be available to unqualified people, for example, shares of foreign companies included in the calculation of at least one foreign stock index from the regulator’s list.