Russian national debt received the most investments from American and British investors


Investors from the UK and the United States have invested in Russian federal loan bonds (OFZ) more than other non-residents. This follows from the review of the risks of the Central Bank’s financial markets.

Therefore, the share of investors who invest money or keep records through British and American companies is 6.9 percent each – 947 and 944 billion rubles for the UK and the USA, accordingly. The total investments through the companies of these two countries (1.89 trillion rubles) exceed the total investments of other investors (1.288 trillion rubles).

Belgium (three percent) and Singapore (1.5 percent) were the other largest holders of the Russian government debt. Totally, investors invested in OFZs through companies from 67 countries. The share of foreigners amounted to 23.3 percent of the total volume of investments in Russian securities.