Russian economy may improve


RDIF will continue to attract foreign investors to substantial projects, including the field of infrastructure and high technologies. This was stated by the head of the fund, commenting on the message of Russian President Putin to the Federal Assembly.

He noted that in his message Putin was focused on building up and attracting additional investments in the country’s economy, including mobilizing private capital and creating new mechanisms designed to support these processes. “Such an investment-oriented approach will ensure further growth of the Russian economy and will make a substantial contribution to strengthening the global competitiveness of Russia,” added Dmitriev.

Earlier on April 21, Putin addressed a message to the Federal Assembly. Particularly, he promised to help the regions with debts: to provide infrastructure loans in the amount of at least 500 billion rubles with a maturity of 15 years and a rate of no more than three percent per annum. By June 1, the government must submit proposals on the long-term financial stability of the regions.