Correlation between USDJPY and #DJI30


The US Treasury announced yesterday that on Wednesday the Americans will receive the first payments under the anti-crisis program initiated by President Joe Biden. Therefore, Americans will start spending money, which is positive for the stock market for two reasons. Firstly, an increase in consumer spending will have a positive effect on corporate income, which in turn will allow companies to increase their dividend payments.

Secondly, the Americans will send part of the money to the stock market, as it was the last year, when the Ministry of Finance was implementing three anti-crisis programs. Against this background, I expect growth in quotations for the American stock indices #SP500 and #DJI30, which in turn will have a positive influence on the value of the USDJPY currency pair, inasmuch as assets are correlated with each other.

Investment idea: Buy 108.60/108.40 and take profit 109.20.