Boundless art comes to life in the NFT’s network of galleries


Digital art and NFT have already transcended the meta-universe – or hope to do so soon.

The founder of Superchief Gallery, which opened in Manhattan in March 2021, aims to accelerate the process.

At the EthCC event in Paris in July, he unveiled his plan to create a global network of 50 physical NFT galleries where artists and exhibitions could move seamlessly between different countries.

The start of a world tour? IHAM Gallery, NFT’s first European gallery, based in Paris. As part of EthCC, Superchief’s Cyberpunk exhibition was held here.

Another Paris venue, NFT Factory, as well as Unpaired Gallery in Switzerland, Knox Gallery in Japan, Uncommon Gallery in Korea, OX Society in Canada and Oshi Gallery in Australia are also part of this adventure.

Each of these galleries already exists, but Zipco wants to better connect them with each other through global exhibitions, each of which will exist simultaneously in all of the networked galleries due to the unique characteristics of digital art.

This isn’t just an experiment with the pixel art medium. For Grida and Zipko, hosting physical NFT exhibitions is essential to strengthening the growing community of digital art enthusiasts.

Not only does it facilitate interaction with the artist’s audience and collectors, but it also provides an opportunity to connect with other creators, and most importantly, it reaffirms their status as artists by reminding them that they are first and foremost artists, not “NFT artists.”

Ultimately, Zipco aims to “start a movement that will unite artists, collectors, and art lovers from every corner of the globe and celebrate the limitless potential of NFT art.”