Bitcoin will fall sharply


Bitcoin price fell 9 percent on June 21. The price reached its lowest level in the last 12 days – $32,288. If the trend continues, then this cryptocurrency will set another anti-record, falling in price to the lowest level in the last month.

The decline in cost occurs against the background of the actions of the Chinese authorities, who ordered the closure of mining projects in certain regions. This has become part of Beijing’s overall policy of tightening industry regulation. “Tough measures against Chinese miners may lead to the fact that they hastily sell cryptocurrency in the face of little demand and pull us down,” the representative of the London-based crypto company BCB Group Ben Sebley explained.

Since the April peak of 65 thousand dollars, bitcoin has fallen in price by half, but since the beginning of the year it has still shown an increase of 10 percent. In the near future, it is worth counting on a price range from 32 to 40 thousand dollars, analysts predicted.