Bank of America sees perspective in investments in Russia


American investment bank Morgan Stanley announced that now is the time to invest in Russian assets. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, analysts believe that the ruble will rise by at least 6 percent.

“We believe that the time has come to return to Russian assets,” the bank is confident.

The decline in geopolitical risks was the reason for optimism. Analysts believe that the new sanctions that the United States may apply will not have a serious influence on the Russian economy. Moreover, the increase in oil prices will have a positive effect on the dynamics of the Russian currency: on Tuesday, February 9, Brent rose above $61 per barrel, reaching the level of January last year.

At the end of January, experts from the Swiss bank UBS reported on the attractiveness of the Russian stock market. They noted that at present Russia can brag about “the highest dividend yield in the world”, and the ruble will strengthen in the coming months following the rise in oil prices to $63 per barrel. Analysts believe in the recovery of the global economy. In their opinion, this is facilitated by the vaccination that has begun, the dollar has fallen in price and the decrease in indeterminacy in US foreign policy.