GBPUSD – Pound coped with the pressure

With the British pound, the trick done by the dollar with the euro did not work. The growth that started was stopped abruptly, but it was not possible to sell the price below the local...
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EURUSD – The euro is eager to start playing its own game

The downside option has not been canceled yet, but it looks more and more unrealizable, at least in the form we have been considering. At the moment, the alternative scenario is becoming more and more...
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USDJPY – The double zigzag is coming to an end

Buyers decided not to postpone things for later and resumed their activity. As a result, the prolonged correction, which was expected, did not happen, the price began to grow and updated the current local maximum....
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GBPUSD – Price may resume downward impulsive movement

On the pair under consideration, the situation is developing within the framework of the previously considered scenario. After a rather confident breakdown of the support level, the downward movement stopped abruptly, after which the growth...
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EURUSD – The pair is expected to decline impulsively

The sharp surge in buying activity began to raise concerns about the expected downward movement. However, the final trading day of the previous week cooled the Euro's ardor and the price as quickly as it...
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