GBPUSD – We have a signal to buy!

Daily: a fairly clear bounce from the lower Bollinger band indicates a high probability of reaching the middle line (1.2775), which is the nearest target for buyers. H4: the price is within the upper Bollinger...
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EURUSD – Where will the pair go after the publication of CPI?

Daily: the multi-day consolidation continues as we await today's release of the Consumer Price Index. After that, there will be some clarity and markets will get triggers to move. If the index comes out higher...
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USDJPY – Evaluating the prospect of a downward reversal

Daily: the closer the upper Bollinger band (144.76) - the closer the potential downward reversal. But it is necessary to wait for the price reaction regarding the ADX indicator entering the trend zone. Also the...
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GBPUSD – Decline to 1.2675

Daily: the pair keeps the tendency to multidirectional trading within the range of the lower Bollinger envelope. At the same time, there is an increase in trend interest in the ADX indicator. H4: downward phase...
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EURUSD – Trading Range 1.0960-1.1012

Daily: the trend does not change. The pair is in a non-directional trend, trading below the middle Bollinger band (1.1074), with no trend support from the ADX indicator. H4: stable horizontal Bollinger envelopes limit potential...
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