Faith in oil is weakening

The Norwegian Pension Fund, the world's largest reserve fund, stopped believing in oil and abandoned assets of companies involved in exploration and extraction of raw materials. This was a big step towards greening the investment...
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Bitcoin has risen in price

The most popular cryptocurrency in the world Bitcoin has soared by more than 10 percent. The price of the cryptocurrency exceeded $33,450. At its peak, its cost was $33,500. At the same time, on the...
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America lifted sanctions against Huawei

US Department of Commerce candidate Gina Raimondo has spoken about the necessity of protection of Americans from Chinese companies. “I would use all the tools at my disposal to the maximum extent possible to protect...
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The Russian currency plummeted

During trading, the ruble collapsed against the dollar and euro to a minimum in recent months, according to trade data. As of 10:38 am, the dollar is trading at 76.33 rubles and the euro at...
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What will happen to the ruble if the dollar falls hard

Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Prices of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics predicted the future of the Russian currency in case the dollar crashes. Stepanova believes that in the event of...
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