The most respected companies in the world have been identified

Fortune magazine has published its annual rating of the most respected companies in the world, which has been topped by Apple for 14 consecutive times. The list has already appeared on the website of the...
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An island saved America in a trade war with China

The rebellious island of Taiwan, whose authorities are trying to achieve international acceptance as an independent state, and China considers its own territory, saved the United States and other countries in a trade war with...
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Fresh requirements for Alibaba from the Chinese

The Chinese authorities have set new conditions for Jack Ma's financial and technology company Ant Group to enter an exchange. Now, in order to enter the IPO, the company will have to separate the services...
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Keeping money in Bitcoins is not a good idea yet

The high volatility of bitcoin does not allow it to become a form of currency and makes it unsuitable for storing money, according to the investment bank Goldman Sachs. “An ephemeral currency with long-term volatility...
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Slow vaccination can have a big influence on the European economy

Too low pace of vaccination in Europe threatens it with substantial losses and even a failure in the economy. This conclusion is made by experts of the international insurance company Euler Hermes. They warned that...
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