The future of energy in Russia is hazy

The Russian authorities will economize on the green energy generation support program from 2025 to 2035. Its funding will be cut by 22 percent, from 400 billion rubles to 313 billion in prices of 2021....
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Oil pipeline can lead to Biden’s trial

The authorities of 21 American states wanted to sue US President Biden. They filed a lawsuit demanding to cancel the decision to stop the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to the United...
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Russia wants to take taxes from foreign companies

The Russian authorities wanted to collect more taxes from foreign companies operating in the IT sector, writes Kommersant. To do this, they will be obliged to register a separate branch in Russia. The government's initiative...
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Professionals talk about the fall of the Russian currency

Analysts predicted when the ruble would weaken. In their opinion, in the second half of 2021, a decrease in the value of the ruble is expected. They explained that the demand for imports and the...
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Biden’s words influenced the ruble

After an interview with US President Biden, in which he answered several questions about Russia and Russian leader Putin, the ruble collapsed against the dollar and the euro, according to trade data from the Moscow...
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