Bitcoin can be worth around $400 thousand.

Strategist Mike McGlone predicted bitcoin's value growth to 400 thousand dollars per coin within a year, according to “Prime". The analyst compared the current market situation with the situation in 2013 and 2017, when the...
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The price of oil was called fair

The first deputy chairman of the Central Bank called the current oil prices fair. His words were at the conference "All-Russian Week of Financial Literacy 2021". According to Shvetsov, the regulator considers raw material prices...
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Elon Musk’s miscalculation

Tesla Musk broke the law by firing union activist Ortiz. This decision was made by the US National Labor Relations Office. The regulator ordered Musk to delete his tweet criticizing the activities of trade unions....
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The American currency has risen in price

In the course of trading on the stock exchange, the dollar rate soared above 76 rubles for the first time since February 4. The euro rose above 90 rubles, according to trade data. As of...
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America’s economy will try to be saved again

US President Biden's advisers are preparing a new package of measures to support the country's economy for three trillion dollars. To do this, it is proposed to raise taxes for corporations and the wealthiest Americans....
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