Oil sales in Russia have collapsed

Oil exports from Russia in January in monetary terms fell by 42.8 percent compared to last year (to $5.708 billion), physical exports fell to 15.849 million tons (minus 27.1 percent). Sales of petroleum products increased...
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New oil reserves in the world

Vår Energi company (owned by Eni and Hitec Vision) has found new oil reserves on the shelf of the Barents Sea in Norway. This is stated on the resource Eni. According to preliminary estimates, the...
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Elon Musk gains confidence

At least once, 37 percent of American investors have bought stocks or bonds based on Elon Musk's Twitter posts. This is evidenced by data from a survey conducted by the research company Piplsay. 16 percent...
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Oil workers decided to raise the price of gasoline

The Russian government decided to meet the oil industry halfway and adjust the damper mechanism in the fuel market. The prices included in it will be indexed in accordance with the level of actual growth...
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Central Bank talks about extreme measures of the United States

American foundations turned out to be the secret weapon of the United States against Russia. They have accumulated enough Russian public debt to bring down the ruble. This is evidenced by the "Review of the...
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