The chances of the world economy for growth are assessed

Predictions that the global economy will emerge from the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic in 2021 is not justified. This is how the experts estimated the chances for normalization of the situation. According to...
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China is in danger because of Bitcoin

Due to the production of bitcoins, Beijing's plans to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere have been threatened. According to CNBC, China accounts for 75 percent of the world's mining. Meanwhile, last year, Chinese President...
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Saudi Arabia does not want to be strongly dependent on oil

Saudi state oil company Saudi Aramco has begun negotiations to sell up to 49 percent of its oil pipeline business to American, Chinese and local investors. The deal is estimated at between $10 billion and...
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Serious help for the American economy

The leadership of the US Federal Reserve has promised to help the national economy through a soft monetary policy to a victorious one, according to the the transcript of the meeting on March 16-17, which...
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Digital ruble plan

The Central Bank drew up a plan for the introduction of the digital ruble in Russia as a new form of payment. The corresponding presentations were made by the first deputy head of the regulator...
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