Good news for the American stock market

The head of the world's largest investment company BlackRock Fink said in an interview that he sees a bright future for the US stock market. “I am incredibly bullish,” Fink said, referring to the bullish...
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Turkey influenced Bitcoin crash

The cost of bitcoin has collapsed, according to data from the Coinmarketcap portal, which analyzes information from the largest cryptocurrency exchanges. This happened due to the decision of the Turkish authorities to prohibit payments in...
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The Chinese economy has greatly increased

In the first quarter of this year, China's economy grew by a record 18.3 percent, while in the same period last year it fell by 6.8 percent. The GSO stressed that 2021 turned out to...
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Unusual earnings on Bitcoin

An investment fund from the United States was able to make extraordinary money on the growth of the bitcoin rate by investing in Coinbase several years ago. Initial investments have risen in price by 920...
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Copper can repeat the success of oil

In the future, copper may become the "new oil", such a conclusion was made by experts from the investment bank Goldman Sachs. Analysts expect an increase in the cost of the metal as the introduction...
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