Partial refusal of Russia from the American currency

Against the background of increasing sanctions pressure from the United States, Russia began to steadily abandon the dollar. The share of the dollar in Russia's export settlements in the fourth quarter of last year fell...
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America’s fight with Huawei

Chinese smartphone and telecommunications equipment maker Huawei is set to fight the United States and the sanctions it has imposed in a new way. Particularly, the company will begin to develop new technologies for itself....
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Apple’s huge investment in the American economy

Apple plans to invest more than $430 billion in the US economy over the next five years, according to the company's resource. By comparison, this exceeds Russia's 2020 annual budget of 19.5 trillion rubles (or...
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Bitcoin has risen in price

The price of bitcoin jumped again after a recent drop to a minimum in several weeks and increased by six thousand dollars overnight. According to trade data, by 10:00 am on Monday, April 26, the...
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Oil can become much cheaper

Wood Mackenzie analysts predicted that the price of Brent oil could plummet to $10 per barrel after the transition to green energy. Experts assessed the probability of such a scenario. According to the authors of...
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