The cost of oil in the world is breaking records

US oil futures hit their highest level since October 2018 after OPEC+ issued a forecast of a more tense global market. WTI rose 3 percent from Friday's close to the level of $68.31 per barrel....
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Russian national debt is growing

In the first quarter of 2021, Russia's public debt grew by 741.3 billion rubles and came close to the figure of 20 trillion rubles, stopping at 19.7 trillion. In percentage terms, growth in three months...
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Business of Great Britain is in danger

Retail trade in Britain faces a tsunami of closure if the government does not extend the current debt collection moratorium. This forecast was made in the British Retail Consortium (BRC), which represents the interests of...
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US government threatens Bitcoin

The US financial authorities are going to become more actively involved in the regulation of the cryptocurrency market, which reaches 1.5 trillion US dollars, worrying about the lack of proper risk control for investors. He...
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The perspectives of the American currency are assessed

The head of the Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA) assessed the probability of a rise in the value of the dollar to 100 rubles. In his opinion, the American currency will not reach the three-digit...
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