You need to be careful when buying US currency

Experts explained the dangers of buying US dollars. According to them, there is no need to fear scenarios with a ban on holding dollars or confiscating dollar accounts. This can only happen in the event...
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The possibility of a fall in the American currency

We should not expect a serious fall in the dollar exchange rate, this year its value will not be lower than 72 rubles. He reminded that despite the large investments of the former American leader...
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Forecast for the Russian economy

Experts predicted the inflation rate in Russia by the end of 2021. The maximum forecast was given by experts. In their opinion, the cost of goods and services may increase by 5.3 percent. "Otkrytie" has...
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Apple disrupts market competition

The representative of the European Commission Vestager accused the iPhone manufacturer of suppressing competitors in the market of streaming applications. According to Vestager's preliminary conclusions, Apple with its Apple Music product violates the EU competition...
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Amazon has achieved record results

The world's largest internet retailer, Amazon, made net profit of $26.9 billion for the fiscal year (ended March 31). This is higher than the total figure for the three years before the start of the...
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