Bitcoin dropped substantially

Bitcoin fell in price by more than 17 percent, to 46.9 thousand dollars. This has happened on Thursday, May 13, according to trade data. According to trade data, at 3:14 Moscow time, bitcoin was at...
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The country of Europe is going to give incentives for cryptocurrency

Hungarian businessmen and investors are being pushed to open transactions in cryptocurrency with tax incentives. The government of the country decided to reduce the rate for payments to the budget from income from cryptocurrency trading...
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A moment of truth awaits Singapore’s economy

The authorities of Singapore, often called the "country of the future", said that the moment of truth has come for the Asian state that can determine what its economy will be in the next few...
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The current crisis has been compared to the 2008 crisis

The economic downturn associated with the coronavirus pandemic will not be as severe as the global crisis of 2008, but countries will still have to recover from it for quite long time. “Compared to the...
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Dogecoin can take over the world

The founder of SpaceX and the head of Tesla Musk predicted the Dogecoin cryptocurrency to "take over the world." According to Musk, all this started as a joke based on an Internet meme, but now...
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