Russian currency has risen in price

Against the background of expectations of a sharp rise in the key rate of the Central Bank from the nearest meeting, the ruble soared to a ten-month maximum against the dollar, according to trade data....
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News of hackers has badly affected Bitcoin

Bitcoin's value has plunged more than nine percent against the background of cryptocurrency-related news from the US, according to the trade data. As of 12:28 Moscow time, the bitcoin rate fell to $32.8 thousand (by...
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Russia’s economy can improve at a record

In an interview, Minister of Economic Development Reshetnikov predicted an abnormally high economic growth in Russia in May. “It is quite natural that they [GDP data for May 2021] will be abnormally high, because we...
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Gold can sharply increase

Russia ranks fifth in the world after the United States, Germany, Italy and France in terms of gold reserves. The abandonment of the dollar and reform can lead to a sharp demand for the precious...
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Unstable situation in the oil market

Generally, the global oil market may recover from the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic by next spring, however, fluctuations in commodity prices will be serious. According to the president and co-owner of Lukoil, Vagit Alekperov,...
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