Currency needs to be bought

A stock market expert advised buying the currency regardless of the current rate. When exchanging rubles for dollars or euros for a summer vacation, it is worth considering that “even a few percent of the...
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Trade reconciliation awaits Europe and America

The US and EU authorities wanted to make peace in the trade war that began during the Trump presidency. They will negotiate the abolition of the first batch of mutual duties on the import of...
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Russia is now investing less in American public debt

Russia has slashed its investment in US government securities sharply, according to ministry data. The agency calculated that in February Russia owned US government bonds of $5.756 billion, and in March this figure dropped to...
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The creator of the Ethereum cryptocurrency starts burning tokens

A native of Russia and creator of the Ethereum digital currency Vitalik Buterin burned 90 percent of the Shiba Inu tokens which were stored in his wallet. He sent them to a non-existent address. Burning...
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Once again, Elon Musk influenced the price of bitcoin

The cost of bitcoin for the first time in almost three months fell below the mark of 45 thousand dollars, the most popular cryptocurrency lost more than ten percent in price. This happened against the...
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