The American currency may fall in price soon

The analyst said that no jumps in the exchange rate are expected in the near future, and the ruble will continue to strengthen at least until June. According to the specialist, American statistics are important...
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Russian economy may recover

The Russian Ministry of Finance stated that the country's economic recovery is following a more "rosy trajectory" than previously predicted. “Overall, we see that the economic recovery - this was actually observed in the fourth...
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Oil demand will fall

Experts predicted a decrease in demand for oil on the world market by the beginning of the 2030s, which will cause a decrease in budget revenues from hydrocarbon exports. “In the late 2020s and early...
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Oil prices are preparing to rise

Goldman Sachs has predicted Brent crude prices to soar to $80 a barrel in the fourth quarter of this year. According to experts, this will be facilitated by the recovery of the global economy against...
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The era of gas and oil will end soon

Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska is sure that the era of oil and gas will end soon. Deripaska recalled that earlier the International Energy Agency (IEA) had warned against investing in new oil and gas projects....
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