The cost of European gas has risen

Gazprom has not booked additional transit capacities through the gas transmission system of Ukraine in the first-third quarters of 2022. After Gazprom's decision, gas prices in Europe jumped by more than four percent. Gas prices...
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Tesla shares fall sharply

Tesla shares plummeted by seven percent in preliminary bidding, according to trade data. This has happened after the founder of the company Musk said that Tesla had not entered yet into a major contract with...
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Oil price may rise to $120 soon

By the summer of 2022, the price of Brent crude will rise to $120 per barrel, analysts promised. Analysts stressed that the global energy crisis, which spurred coal and gas prices, has already accelerated the...
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US stock market record

The American Dow Jones industrial average index set a historic record on November 1, rising above 36,000 points for the first time. At 16:34 Moscow time, the index was equal to 36,000.01 points (plus 0.5...
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Microsoft tops the list of the world’s most valuable companies

In the ranking of the world's largest companies by market capitalization, the leader has changed - it is the IT giant Microsoft, according to trade data. The firm stripped its most valuable company status of...
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