Using correction for buying

It is advisable to use a decrease in quotes in this currency pair to open Buy positions with the expectation of a continuation of the upward trend for two reasons. Firstly, today the US Treasury...
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A mixed background is being formed today

A mixed background is being formed today. On the one hand, we can expect a decline in euro quotations, inasmuch as the ECB will again increase the volume of buying the assets of the eurozone...
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Record volume of reverse repo transactions

The growth of quotes in the area of 111.70/112.00 should be used to open Sell positions, inasmuch as excess dollar liquidity in the financial system will have a negative influence on the value of the...
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Why has consumer confidence in the US deteriorated?

The Conference Board's consumer confidence index fell to its lowest level in six months in September, signaling a reduction in consumer spending in the United States. In my opinion, this is largely due to the...
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Yen is funding currency No.1

A mixed background is being formed today. On the one hand, we can expect a decline in quotations against the background of an increase in dollar liquidity on the part of the Fed and the...
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