USDJPY – looking forward to growth

Important events today: At 18:00 Moscow time in the United States: Speaking to Congress Jerome Powell - Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. USDJPY: A rise in the US stock market...
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U.S. Department of the Treasury hosts Grand Auction

Important events today: At 18:00 Moscow time in the United States: Speaking to Congress Jerome Powell - Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. EURUSD: Today, the US Treasury will redeem bonds...
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LIBOR rates on the dollar are growing faster than the British

Important events today: Influential statistics are not expected. GBPUSD: GBP on Friday tried hard to show confident growth, but it turned out, let's say, unconvincing. On the interbank market in London, rates on the LIBOR...
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Trend has not changed amid falling yields on US treasuries

Important events today: No influential macro statistics are expected. EURUSD: Following an emergency meeting, WHO decided to classify the new strain of coronavirus in the wording "of concern": “The recently discovered strain of COVID 'B.1.1.529'...
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What signals the Fed rate futures?

Futures on the US Federal Reserve rate indicates the probability of a threefold increase in the rate next year, which will have a positive influence on the value of the US dollar. According to investors,...
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