Sales of defensive assets

Investors continue to liquidate their positions in “defensive assets”, which traditionally include gold, Japanese yen and Swiss franc. Now there are no reasons that can change this trend. Although the situation with the coronavirus has...
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US Treasury redeems $30 billion bonds

The European currency is struggling to demonstrate growth, but something is always getting in the way. This time, the perpetrator is gold, which has renewed its eight-month minimum, stopping one step from the psychological level...
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FRS positively assesses the prospects of vaccination

Earlier, there was speech of the FOMC member Lael Brainard, who positively evaluates the prospects for vaccination in the United States. Currently 20% of the population is vaccinated and in two months it is expected...
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ECB has reduced the volume of purchases of assets

The ECB has published fresh statistics on the change in assets on the balance sheet. The indicator for the week increased by €9.32 billion, against €22.02 billion a week earlier. The growth rate has halved,...
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Correlation between USDJPY and S&P500

The ISM has pleased traders with strong statistics on business activity in the American industry. The indicator reached 60.8%, which was the highest level since February 2018. This level of business activity contributes to GDP...
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