The Fed will substantially increase the purchase of assets today

The US Congress after several attempts approved Joe Biden's anti-crisis program, which caused a rally in the American stock market. I note that the uptrend in the US stock market will continue today, inasmuch as...
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Surplus of dollar liquidity

The surplus of dollar liquidity in the interbank lending markets in New York and London is still high and during such periods it is difficult to count on the strengthening of the US dollar. Earlier,...
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Correlation with the American stock market

The US Congress adopted Joe Biden's anti-crisis program. Cash payments to households and small businesses will begin in two weeks, which will have a positive influence on the American economy and the stock market. Half...
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Surplus of dollar liquidity on the interbank market

The surplus of dollar liquidity on the interbank lending markets in New York and London signals a decline in the dollar and an increase in quotations of this currency pair. Interest rates on the interbank...
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OECD expects acceleration of the British GDP growth

Vaccination of the population in the United Kingdom is gaining momentum, forcing investment banks and economic organizations to review their forecasts for GDP growth for this year. On the eve of the OECD, it raised...
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