Which factor will be decisive today?

A mixed background is being formed today. On the one hand, we can expect a decline in quotations against the background of excess dollar liquidity in the financial system. American bankers are increasing the volume...
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ECB expects acceleration of eurozone GDP growth

Christine Lagarde announced that 100 million residents of the European Union are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, which makes it possible to count on an improvement in the epidemiological situation by August 1. According to the...
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Buy the rumor, sell the fact

Tomorrow the Bank of Japan will hold a regular meeting on monetary policy, where it may announce an increase in stimulus measures. The previous evening the US Federal Reserve ended its meeting, where it announced...
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The Fed will continue to print money

The US Federal Reserve has revised its forecasts for GDP and inflation for 2021. Expectations for the first indicator increased from 6.5% to 7%, and for the second indicator from 2.4% to 3.45%. For the...
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Bank of Japan prepares to increase stimulus

The Central Bank of Japan will have a regular meeting on monetary policy on Friday, where it may announce new stimulus measures. This opinion is shared by the former member of the Board of the...
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