Aragon is considering selling the crypto project


Aragon Association, one of the largest crypto projects creating tools to support decentralized governance, is trying to get out of its predicament.

After months of pressure from activist investors claiming $180 million for its treasury, Aragon Association is now in the process of getting out of trouble.

An undated report accuses the Aragon Association of years of missteps, including squandering its vast treasury of various crypto assets to the tune of $180 million, and questions the organization’s compliance with Swiss non-profit law. CoinDesk could not immediately confirm the allegations.

An Aragon spokesperson contacted by CoinDesk did not confirm or deny the sale discussions, denied the report’s “unsubstantiated allegations” and said Aragon will release a transparency report with more details this month.

In May, Aragon, fearing the growing influence of activists, canceled plans to give token holders control of the company’s treasury. This emergency measure capped a week of escalating tensions, during which Aragon purged its public records and banned many alleged activist investors from accessing Discord.

While it’s unclear exactly what the sale of the nominally decentralized project means, the proposed deal will be valued at a premium to book value, an Arca employee told fellow activists.