EURUSD – Trichet threatened speculators


Important events today:

13:30 UTC – US: US: June inflation.

Parity tested! What’s next? Further continuation of the downtrend, since there are no drivers to change the trend. Former ECB chief Jean-Claude Trichet appeared in public for the first time in a long time on Tuesday and threatened speculators that they would be punished for their pranks because the European Central Bank has effective tools. Although, where are the speculators, if the fall of the European currency is caused by the collapse of the trade balance and the high negative real rate of the ECB.

If the monetary authorities are so worried about the exchange rate of the national currency, then why haven’t they raised the rate to at least 1% yet? In the European Union, there is more and more talk about the upcoming recession, which could happen in the fall, which also does not add optimism to investors. On the eve of the published statistics on the index of economic sentiment ZEW in Germany – the indicator fell to the level of 2011, when the debt crisis raged in Europe. Such dynamics does not promise an easy future for the European currency.

Recommendations: Selling 1.0074/1.0100 with TP 0.9990.