Swedish court upholds Huawei’s 5G ban


A Swedish appeals court on Wednesday upheld a lower court ruling barring Chinese telecommunications company Huawei from selling 5G equipment in the Scandinavian country.

In 2020, the Swedish telecommunications regulator PTS unexpectedly banned Huawei from supplying 5G equipment to Swedish mobile companies due to security concerns raised by the Swedish security service SAPO, and the Chinese company challenged the decision in court.

Last year, a lower court upheld the decision, and Wednesday’s ruling is another blow to Huawei’s hopes of returning to Sweden.

Huawei Sweden said in a statement that it is disappointed with the verdict of the Stockholm Administrative Court of Appeal.

“We will review the decision and evaluate our next steps, including other remedies under Swedish law and EU law, to continue to protect our legitimate rights and interests,” Huawei wrote.