The maximum amount of funds is spent on shares of Russian companies


Foreign investors have spent a record amount of funds on Russian stocks. Non-residents invested $130 million in the paper for the week ending at October 6. This number is six times higher than the figure recorded a week earlier, and the best weekly result since the end of March.

Data is based on a report by investment bank BCS Global Markets. The most popular are the shares of representatives of the raw materials industry due to the rapid rise in oil and gas prices. First of all, foreigners were interested in the most liquid securities of Lukoil and Gazprom. According to the Moscow Exchange, the weekly turnover in “Gazprom” shares amounted to more than 250 billion rubles – the highest figure in history. The amount of transactions with “Lukoil” securities has almost reached 50 billion rubles, and with Rosneft shares has exceeded 61 billion rubles. This is 20 and 74 percent, respectively, higher than the indicators of the previous week. Non-residents are also interested in Sberbank and fertilizer producers such as PhosAgro. Around the world, the fertilizer industry is in crisis due to record increases in gas prices and is forced to cut production, which pushes up the cost of products.