The cost of European gas may exceed $1000


Associate Professor of the Department of Economics at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Timofeev, called the dynamics of gas prices in Europe very high. In his opinion, probably, the cost per 1,000 cubic meters will reach $1,000 in September.

“The dynamics were very high even in the summer. Prices don’t go up with no reason. It is obvious that the demand is much higher than the supply, despite the low prices in Asia,” the agency quotes the words of the expert.

Largely, prices on the exchange are determined by exchange robots, and, probably, they will drive the price above $900 per 1,000 cubic meters, Timofeev said. According to him, the probability that prices will rise to $900 is 70-80 percent, and to $1000 is 10-20 percent.