Cryptocurrency may become the main money in the world soon


Digital assets will prevail over or compete with paper money. This is the conclusion reached by the international auditing firm Deloitte.

According to a Deloitte report, 76 percent of the CFOs surveyed predicted that cryptocurrencies will become a strong alternative or replace paper money in the next 5-10 years. Financial services companies must use cryptocurrencies, digital assets and blockchain, otherwise, they risk losing to competitors. Market participants expect to benefit from a range of assets for their business, such as stablecoins (cryptocurrencies pegged to stocks of common currencies or physical commodities) and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

The study notes that the flow of funds into digital assets is increasing, inasmuch as investors are increasingly interested in it as a way to save money. New business models are emerging around cryptocurrency, reflecting the changes in the financial industry. According to the authors of the Deloitte report, companies are thinking about how to change their traditional products to be ready for the future needs of their customers.