Refusal from gasoline may happen soon


The rate of refusal from gasoline in the world turned out to be faster than expected. According to analysts, the peak demand for combustible fuel will occur in 2027 – four years ahead of the expected date.

The United States and Europe will be the fastest to move away from internal combustion engines, while countries like China and India, contrary to previous forecasts, will not consume more gasoline. The BNEF explains this by the fact that the shift in the peak demand from 2031 to 2027 will lead to a decrease in the volume of supplies of automotive fuel to developing regions in the next decade.

The fall in gasoline demand is connected to the growth in the production of more environmentally friendly vehicles and the desire of the world’s largest economies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating fossil fuels. For example, the EU plans to ban internal combustion engines by 2035, and the US and China are calling for widespread adoption of electric vehicles.