Russian currency may strengthen


The Ministry of Economy and Development has adjusted the forecast of the average dollar rate for 2021: the department expects the ruble to strengthen to 72.8 rubles per dollar in 2021 with the price of Urals oil at $65.9 per barrel. Such a condition was called by a representative of the department.

Meanwhile, the value of 70.2 rubles per dollar is possible with the price of Urals at 64.8 dollars per barrel in 2022, 71 rubles per dollar – with Urals at 60.8 dollars in 2023 and 72.8 rubles per dollar – with Urals 57.4 dollar in 2024.

“A stronger ruble – yes, this is connected, of course, with the price of oil, but the issue of the foreign exchange market remains the area of our additional research. We will look closer again in August,” the representative explained.