The cost of gasoline can hit a record soon


The exchange price of gasoline in Russia approached the record for the entire history of trading on the exchange. The cost approached the maximum that was reached during the 2018 crisis.

Gasoline rose in price following oil, which came under pressure against the background of strong demand and the lack of a decision on the OPEC+ deal. Particularly, on the stock exchange on July 7, prices for AI-95 and AI-92 increased by 0.76 – up to 58.9 thousand rubles and 55.5 thousand rubles per ton, respectively.

In turn, independent gas stations complained that they could go bankrupt due to the unprofitable retail trade. The Ministry of Energy said that together with the FAS they continue to monitor the state of the oil products market. Regulators are requiring that the rise in retail prices does not exceed the inflation rate. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy stressed that the damper mechanism does not need additional adjustment yet, inasmuch as oil refineries produce at a level above average.