Oil production fell in Russia


Russian oil exports to non-CIS countries fell sharply by 12.1 percent (to 104.06 million tons) in the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2020.

Average daily exports were at 4.21 million barrels. In June, the country supplied 18.49 million tons of raw materials to non-CIS countries. Compared to the same month last year, exports increased by 7.8 percent. The average daily rate is 4.52 million barrels.

In the first half of the year, Russian oil companies increased the sale of raw materials to neighboring countries by 34 percent – up to 6.22 million tons. Oil and gas condensate production decreased in the first half of the year by 3.7 percent in annual terms (to 254.93 million tons). In June, it grew by 11.6 percent.