Serious help for the American economy


The leadership of the US Federal Reserve has promised to help the national economy through a soft monetary policy to a victorious one, according to the the transcript of the meeting on March 16-17, which is on the department’s website.

The members of the Federal Reserve Committee on Open Markets, who spoke at the meeting, noted that the US economy is systematically recovering, but the growth rate is still insufficient to speak of a change in monetary policy towards tightening – a rate increase that will affect the cost of all borrowings, both government and corporate.

In the speeches of the committee members, in particular, there was talking that it will take some time to achieve the Fed’s goals on the optimal level of employment and inflation. Consequently, the regulator will continue the program of quantitative easing (QE) to buy government and corporate bonds from banks in order to reduce their yield and inject additional liquidity into the banking system.