The countries with the most sustainable economies after the pandemic named


In 2021, the countries of the world will quickly recover their economies after the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, but some, including Russia, may lag behind the “leaders of the post-pandemic world” – the United States and China. This is due to the pace of vaccination of the population against COVID-19 and tight monetary policy.

Experts predict that, in general, the world economy will recover at a record pace and its growth will reach a record 6.9 percent in more than half a century. Meanwhile, in contrast with the 2008 crisis, this recovery can be one-sided due to different rates of vaccination and different financial policies of states.

The United States will be the main driver of the recovery, while the economies of countries such as France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and Japan will continue to decline. Among developing countries, China will be ahead of all, which was able to defeat the COVID-19 epidemic, while Brazil, India and Russia will “clearly give way.” This largely depends on how quickly countries manage to vaccinate a substantial part of their population. According to Bloomberg experts, almost a quarter of the population is vaccinated in the United States, while in the EU this figure has not reached 10 percent yet, in Mexico, Brazil and Russia – 6 percent.